How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
Words, Images, Places.140th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Sofia as Capital
Sofia City Art Gallery, BG
13 September 2019 - 16 February 2020
Recent Myths with Traditional Patterns
An exhibition by Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev. GalleryGallery, Sofia, BG
10 January - 3 March 2020

Digital Dictatorship
2021, aquarelle, acid free paper, 78 x 106 cm
Artist Collective Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev
Cite-specific project for the flag poles on Schlossberg in Graz.
One of our first places to visit in Graz was Schlossberg. We had a perfect view towards it from the apartment where we stayed during our residency. We spotted immediately the flag polls in front of the Clock Tower and decided to do a project with flags. The place is perfect for observation of the city, so we used a drawing project from our Quarantine series which started the last year during the first lockdown. The red flags depict yellow social media logos. We called the installation Digital Dictatorship with which we are posing questions on the so called “surveillance capitalism” and the ever growing power of the social media over all spheres of our lives.

School Training
2021, aquarelle, acid free paper, 78 x 106 cm
Artist Collective Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev
Cite-specific project for the school yard of Volksschule Arnold Schwarzenegger in Thal.
At the beginning of our stay at CCN-residency in Graz, we took a walk to Thal. Only few kilometers away from Graz, it is a quiet and very picturesque village with long history. We discovered that it is also the birth place of Arnold Schwarzenegger. His house is turned into a museum which was closed due to pandemic restrictions. Not far away from the museum there is a school named after him. Recently the school was renovated and a very minimalistic architecture was added next to it. This renovation led to a very spacious school yard where we imagined a monument dedicated to him. It is a huge 42 tons kettlebell - the number of the combined weight which he lifted during one training in his peak days as bodybuilder.

2021, aquarelle, acid free paper, 78 x 106 cm
Artist Collective Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev
Cite-specific project for Dietrichsteinplatz in Graz.
Nobody can explain better what Homeland (Heimat in germ.) is, then Saša Stanišič. A very talented writer who won the most prestigious book prize in Germany in 2019 for his book “Herkunft”. Somewhere in the beginning of the book he was asked where does he comes from. So here is his answer which triggered this work: “Also doch, Herkunft, wie immer, dachte ich und legte los: Komplexe Frage! Zuerst müsse geklärt werden, worauf das Woher ziele. Auf die geografische Lage des Hügels, auf dem der Kreißsaal sich befand? Auf die Landesgrenzen des Staates zum Zeitpunkt der letzten Wehe? Provenienz der Eltern? Gene, Ahnen, Dialekt? Wie man es dreht, Herkunft bleibt doch ein Konstrukt! Eine Art Kostüm, das man ewig tragen soll, nachdem es einem übergestülpt worden ist. Als solches ein Fluch! Oder, mit etwas Glück, ein Vermögen, das keinem Talent sich verdankt, aber Vorteile und Privilegien schafft.”

Platz der Wahl
2021, aquarelle, acid free paper, 78 x 106 cm
Artist Collective Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev
Cite-specific project for the electric substation on Grazbachgasse in Graz.
In front of our residential building in Graz there is a small square with an electric substation surrounded with parking lots. The substation is quite old and protected with metal fence grid which makes it very disturbing sight. We used the same cubical structure in our project-drawing to depict a Rubik-cube with the colors of the political parties in Austria. There are more than 6 parties and only colorful coalitions are the possible solutions. We proposed the title of the work to be used as name for this nameless square - Platz der Wahl (or in eng. Election Square).

2021, aquarelle, acid free paper, 106 x 78 cm
Artist Collective Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev
Cite-specific project for Andreas Hofer Plaz in Graz.
The sculpture refers to the tumultuous past of the square where once a monastery stand. During the 19th century the monastery of the Carmelite nuns was repurposed into a warehouse for military uniforms only later to be demolished and turned into a fish market and after that in bus station and underground parking. In the last decade there were numerous proposals for “filling” the space with residential buildings, shopping mall and even a skyscraper.