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How Many Times





2010, acrylic on wooden board, 80 x 80 cm each


“Forbidden” project once more puts the question of person’s right to choose within the boundaries of regulated rules and standards, of the veto put on person’s free expression. It is a theme often exploited, especially in societies with strong civilization dictate, which had been turned into culture. It consists of 15 prohibition signs with diameter of 80 cm. (acrylic paint on wooden material) – which is an association with iconography – the prohibition sign is the canon of the 21st century. The signs present some quite absurd bans, which definitely have a provocative interpretation: No swimming suits!, Prohibited for long-haired persons!, No high heels! They are allusion to the frustration of contemporary social living. In the opposition allowed/not allowed the roles are turned. The messages of the signs confusingly require one’s attention, beyond the inertial spotting. In this case the standard is defined by the self – the understanding, the reflection or just the reminder: “Where are you?” 



How Many Times



Forbidden 9 web.jpg

How Many Times



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How Many Times



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How Many Times



©  Zara Alexandrova 

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